My letter containing an account of this visit, and these pictures, was the first announcement in this country of this splendid discovery. "I may here add the singular sequel to this visit. On the succeeding day M. Daguerre paid me a visit to see the Telegraph and witness its operations. He seemed much gratified and remained with me perhaps two hours; two melancholy hours to him, as they afterwards proved; or while he was with me, his buildings, including his diorama, his studio, his laboratory, with all the beautiful pictures I had seen the day before, were consumed by fire. Fortunately for mankind, matter only was consumed, the soul and mind of the genius, and the process were still in existence." On his return home, Professor Morse waited with impatience for the revelation of M. Daguerre's process, and no sooner was it published than he obtained a copy of the work containing it, and at once commenced taking Daguerreotype pictures. At first his goal was solely to furnish his studio with studies from nature; however, his experiments led him to believe that creating portraits by the process would be practical, and he was undoubtedly the first whose attempts were met with success. Interestingly enough, though, he thought at that time that it was necessary to place the sitters in a very strong light, so they were all taken with their eyes closed. Others were experimenting at the same time, among them Mr. Wolcott and Prof. Draper; Mr. Morse, with his modest demeanor, thought that it would be difficult to say to whom the credit of the first Daguerreotype portrait is due. Many believe, though, that Professor Morse deserves the laurel wreath, as from him originated the first of our innumerable class of Daguerreotypists; and many of his pupils have carried the manipulation to very great perfection. In connection with this matter the Professor stated (in a private letter): "If mine were the first, other experimenters soon made better results, and if there are any who dispute that I was first, I shall have no argument with them; for I was not so anxious to be the first to produce the result, as to produce it in any way.